Episode 17

Published on:

26th Jan 2023

Contraception: An unHoly Mess, w/Dr. Janet Smith

Contraception, Why Not? I mean, what's the big deal with it anyway? Who in the world is the Church to tell me what to do with my sex life? "Keep God out of my bedroom!" 

Well, do we even know WHY the Church teaches what it does on contraception? Have we ever actually even read Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life), the Church's "bombshell" papal encyclical that split the world and "the Church" in two? 

Did God invent sex just to make babies? How often can women get pregnant? What are some of the damaging effects of contraception? What's the deal with pregnancy and rape? Why MUST God be present at the moment of conception, and much more. 

Join His HoliMess, and Dr. Janet Smith, famed moral theologian, former consulter to the Vatican's Pontifical Council on the Family, and author and presenter of the famous "Contraception, Why Not" talk, for a Holy Mess episode about a very unHoly mess of a topic. 

Dr. Janet Smith’s website: https://janetsmith.org/

Dr. Smith referred to this for women: https://naturalwomanhood.org/

***Dr. Smith and Fr. Paul are not medical doctors and are not giving any specific medical advice to any particular listener. If you have questions about your body and fertility, please consult a Natural Pro-Life medical doctor. Here is a link to help find one::https://mycatholicdoctor.com/our-services/naprotechnology/

What is NAPRO (Natural Pro-Life technology? Click here: https://naprotechnology.com/

Please listen, share, rate, and review this episode and this podcast. 

Featuring music by Mike Mangione. Find his new album here, https://www.mikemangione.com/.

Email His HoliMESS for questions, requests, bookings, etc., at hisholimesspodcast@gmail.com. 

Donate to support the mission/ministry of this podcast on Venmo @HisHoliMess or click here: https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3670815182685804759&created=1668625764.0893679&printed=1 

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You can find His HoliMess, Fr. Paul Houlis, on social media here: 





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About the Podcast

A Holy Mess
With His HoliMess Father Paul
Fr. Paul Houlis is, in no way, His Holiness, but he sure is, “His HoliMess.” He knows from personal experience that one’s life can truly be a beautiful, holy, mess.
Are we not all, in some way, “A Holy Mess?” After all, holiness is messy! We live in a messy world, and God entered the depths of its “messiness” and made it “holy”. He can do the same for one’s life!
So tune in, and bring your mess with you. You’ll find out that God doesn’t just clean the mess of one’s life but uses it! He turns our mess into a beautiful message of hope…if we let Him.
Join “His HoliMess” for a clean, but very messy podcast.

Fr. Paul Houlis is a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark, in New Jersey. Before entering the seminary, he pursued a career in stand-up comedy and acting in New York City. His life was flipped upside down shortly after the tragic events of 9/11/2001. Faced with the close reality of death, he starting asking questions about life. He soon found that true life was found in living a life for others, not just for self. "If you get me through this I'll dedicate my life to helping your children," he cried out to GOD. The rest is history.
Fr. Paul desires to use his love for comedy and entertainment to help bring others joy. After all, the Christian person must be a person of joy. For GOD truly is a JOY to the world....even in it's mess.
Email His HoliMESS for questions, requests, bookings, etc., at hisholimesspodcast@gmail.com.
Please download, listen, rate, review, and share each episode of this podcast.
Featuring music by Mike Mangione. https://www.mikemangione.com/

*Please note that while Fr. Paul Houlis is a priest for the Archdiocese of Newark, A Holy Mess w/His HoliMess podcast is not affiliated with the Archdiocese of Newark in any way, including fundraising efforts. This podcast is purely the personal hobby, product, and evangelization effort of Fr. Paul Houlis.

You can also find Fr. Paul on the following social media links:




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Fr. Paul Houlis

Fr. Paul Houlis is, in no way, His Holiness, but he sure is, “His HoliMess.” He knows from personal experience that one’s life can truly be a beautiful, holy, mess.
Are we not all, in some way, “A Holy Mess?” After all, holiness is messy! We live in a messy world, and God entered the depths of its “messiness” and made it “holy”. He can do the same for one’s life!
So tune in, and bring your mess with you. You’ll find out that God doesn’t just clean the mess of one’s life but uses it! He turns our mess into a beautiful message of hope…if we let Him.
Join “His HoliMess” for a clean, but very messy podcast.

Fr. Paul Houlis is a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark, in New Jersey. Before entering the seminary, he pursued a career in stand-up comedy and acting in New York City. His life was flipped upside down shortly after the tragic events of 9/11/2001. Faced with the close reality of death, he starting asking questions about life. He soon found that true life was found in living a life for others, not just for self. "If you get me through this I'll dedicate my life to helping your children," he cried out to GOD. The rest is history.
Fr. Paul desires to use his love for comedy and entertainment to help bring others joy. After all, the Christian person must be a person of joy. For GOD truly is a JOY to the world....even in it's mess.